Just another chicken scratch doodle I did today of a cartoony dark knight
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Self Portrait on a Sunday
Got nothing better to do today so I've decided to do a little chicken scratch drawing and what better subject than myself (pathetic isn't it)..hehehe..
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Metal Chronology update 1
For inquiring minds only, heres the set list we did during the event, this post is related to this---> post <----
4/12/2008-Hellfest IV day two gig @ Zzubu Rockbar, Cebu
Played as AGNAS:
Jerry Seyer-Guitars
Bluesy Kenny-Guitars
Chuck Tomelden-Drums
The fourth installment of the yearly Hellfest, a two day event. Together with bands from Cebu, Dumaguete and Bacolod.
Set list:
1.Confessions of a Serial Killer-Gorefest
2.From Ignorance to Oblivion-Gorefest
3.Get A Life-Gorefest
4.Mandatory Suicide-Slayer
5.Seasons in the Abyss-Slayer
-weren't able to play Darkness Cometh due to time constraints, Agnas played at around 11:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Finally some Hellfest IV shots
Finally got hold of my usb cable for my digicam and now I'm able to upload some of the shots at HELLFEST IV, its me and the band...(ill be posting some tomorrow of other bands present)
...its in true metal underground fashion with the ragtag backdrop and makeshift stage
(or lack of it, notice that me and the audience are leveled) and PA systems without sound monitors for the performers.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
if there was a Da Vinci Code Book 2
Just a little blog filler here, someone forwarded this to me via email and I find it rather amusing and I just wanna share it to all of you's. Hope nobody gets offended, just for kicks. If there was ever a book 2 of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code, some of them would be the likeliest premise.
1. He went into his father's business.
2. He lived at home until the age of 33.
3. He was sure his mother was a virgin, and his mother was sure he was God.
1. He never got married.
2. He never held a steady job.
3. His last request was a drink.
...Puerto Rican:
1. His first name was Jesus.
2. He was always in trouble with the law.
3. His mother did not know who his father was.
1. He talked with his hands.
2. He had wine with every meal.
3. He used olive oil.
1. He called everybody brother.
2. He liked Gospel.
3. He couldn't get a fair trial.
1. He never cut his hair.
2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
3. He started a new religion.
But the most compelling evidence of all - proof that Jesus was a WOMAN:
1. He had to feed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food.
2 . He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.
3. Even when he was dead, He had to get up because there was more work for him to do.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hellfest IV has come and gone
We played our set on Day 2 of Hellfest at around 11:00 p.m. and there were still five or so bands after to consummate the event which ended at around 3:00 a.m. (if I’m not mistaken, I was only there for about 30 minutes after our set). The only guest bands I have witnessed were Death by Boredom and Bandilang Itim both from Dumaguete and both bands were all tight with there set. The local bands were in full swing also, Demise was pounding there way to their set and the crowd banged till broken. I saw the set of Fallen Angel, Impostura and deathmetal poster boy Enjun and his band Kasakit. To be honest, our set during Day 2 of Hellfest was not our finest or tightest and got me wishing that I had an undo or escape button in hand. I couldn’t really here myself and our guitarist play, even our drummer (Chuck is back with the band, hopefully, long live Chuck!) was having a really hard time hearing our instrument due mainly to the fact that there were no sound monitors provided upfront, all the sound systems were blasting towards the crowd. It just wasn’t our day. All the excitement just burst to thin air from then on. Well, every dog has his day I guess. Maybe next gig would fare better.
Pics will soon be on the next post, now where’s that damn USB cable…
Saturday, April 12, 2008
From Poetry to Obliteration
I've decided to delete my poetry blog today because I felt that it was way to personal and it makes me feel vulnerable. Well, my poems are for my own personal musings anyway and im not a pro or it wasn't that much interesting. I can hardly even update this blog much more so if Im maintaing two...hehehehe...ill just focus on this blog and rant just about anything from here on end.