Sunday, October 28, 2007

I've got nothing concrete, I'll just babble some more.

Hello nothingness...

Well, like my previous entries here, I always almost mention that fact that I'm busy of late from work and my personal life and that my surf and net time is almost compromise, eventhough I usually have the privilege to boot up my PC and have access to the net and can somehow update or post something for this blog. I would end up just checking my emails and read the updates on the forum that I am currently joining in or reading the latest gadget and gizmo news or downloading MP3 songs or to some horrible extent, update my friendster account (hehehehe). Putting something in this blog journal would always come in last because I feel that I have nothing interesting to say or share with the whole cyber-community (provided that theres somebody reading this blog aside from my GF who is ever my loyal viewer). My life's a Bore. Nuff said.

As an update, me and tha band jammed late this afternoon and we were rehearsing our old composition for us to re-record it hopefully by the end of the week for the CEMP music compilation. We are terribly delayed, as usual, as far as CEMP told us, we are the only ones left who haven't submitted a song for the compilation which will be due next week and for release this coming November 11, 2007 via launching at Kasadja Bar @ Lahug Cebu (the bill is posted below).

As for me and my artist friend Elton (long time collaborator on all things sequential and lineart), things are looking up, the six page plot and script are already done by yours truly and Elton would be starting with the pencils and layout of the story within the week and hopefully he can send me some pages for me to ink (traditionally) on and do the letters (digitally) . And by the way, after much wrestling with the name game on the character we are working on we finally chose to name him the NIGHTSCOURGE, pretty nifty huh. Hope we don’t come across the comics universe with someone similarly named. The chances of which are pretty huge and for that we apologize beforehand. Nuff said.  Below is a makeshift logo of the comicbook character we are creating.

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