Saturday, July 12, 2008

Im Hacking Again...

Thats right, Im up to no good again. I was bored, pretty bored to the extent that I wanted to buy another Motorola to hack and modify but the voice of reason, i.e. my fiance, reminded me that I have obligations of a more pressing matter to do and that buying another phone would capsized my already meager savings. As for the one's who read my previous post, the fate of my still bricked (dead)  Motorola L7i was still bleak and am still hoping to revive it someday when I have thorough knowledge on how and the financial capabilities to do so. I was guilty of hacking and modding it to death and the repercussions are still felt. But yes I was bored, and then their's my still soft modded P1i which was still under a warranty and still has 4 months to go till it expires which made me apprehensive to hack and mod its file system and which eventually, I did a hack what I have always wanted to do since I bought the phone and reading from SE-NSE and IPMart Forums (their forums for the hacking mobile community, specially to Sony Ericsson Users) and Sony Ericsson blogs here and there. So far, I have only done some soft modding to it, like changing the CDA to Generic World 1 so that I can make the SEUS Update my phone to the latest software or do some themes or changing the font of the phone or installing new applications, small stuff actually. And only recently, I had the courage to succesfully port the Walkman v3 player which is only available in Sony Ericsson Walkman Phones lineup which my P1i is not a part of. Its really a cool application to have. Makes me wanna ditch my Ipod. heheh. Ive also ported updated versions of QuickOffice and PDF+ and the Torch application which is originally from the newer Sony Ericsson G900 and did change some of the Menu Icons . All in all, my interest is reinvigorated. If someone is interested on how I did these things (thanks to supermodder SWMail and other active modders in the UIQ community for sharing the files and the know hows) just email me and I'll provide you with the links. I'm a UIQ3 and Motorola hacking fanboy, I can't help it. hmmmm.

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