Friday, November 9, 2007

Cebu Metal Scene: Of Pride and Prejudice

Hello nothingness...
Just wanna share an article published at , a website catering on the news and views of the south end of the pinoy music scene. This article was made by Erik a.k.a. Hari Skwatir from the informal interview he made with me, Jerry, Bawit of CEMP and a slew of others who happened to attend the gig last Nov. 3, 2007's "The Rise Ov the Pentagram" produced by Ozzy (Stormblast Productions).
Funny thing is I know the article is well made and many thanks to Erik for putting it together. He interviewed us and made notes and quick doodles in visayan and the article is made in english and I kinda feel that the english importations of the words and things we said on the interview were almost super emphasized, to a point flowery. I'm not complaining. I just feel funny that I can't seem to remember if I actually said some of those things, but I know it had the same thought to it, maybe it was the beer. Hehehehe..CEMP informed me last night that Sunstar Cebu would gladly publish the article tomorrow in line with the gig but only after they find a way to crunch it up their newspapers layout. The deadline was last aftertnoon. Hopefully. Anyway, heres the link...
...enjoy reading and comments are gladly appreciated here.

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