Monday, February 25, 2008

digital photos and my pathetic editing endeavours

Supermutt Earth1

Supermutt Earth2

Sinulog 2008

Digital Cloning1

Hello nothingness...

It has been awhile, yeah, I know. hehehe...Just an update. I've been busy with the usuals such as work and stuff that usually take most of my time. I've recently finished reading a good book by Terry Brooks (fantasist extraordinaire) about writing which hopefully be stored in my coconut shell for good use someday (and the futility carries on...hmmmm).

Well, I recently got interested in digital photography and thinking of adding it up to my pile of know hows and what nots. You'll never know when this might come in handy someday. Anyways, it actually helped in propagating my FLICKR account (check it out, why dont ya) with uploads from what I took with my humble digital camera (a Sony DSC-S650 and I'm terribly contemplating on purchasing a more capable point and shoot digicam that will suit my ever growing interest on the field). I got to read and learn a wee bit about focusing, exposures and techniques that I have yet to apply and get a first hand experience. All of these led me to brush up my meager Photoshop skills and apply whatever appropriate tweaks that I can handle, being an amateur and all. Things like filtering to maximize focus, sharpening, blurring and digitally cloning and changing the levels and such to make a passable photo product. All in all editing the pictures on a banged up and defective computer monitor, so I can’t really maximize the potential editing and possibilities and just guess what its final outcome only. I have a new found respect to digital photography, hope my interest doesn’t wane and I can make good out of it.

As an added update. Hellfest IV will be up and coming this March 15 and 16 and my band is in slow gear as of the moment with a possible new drummer on the helm. So, things are looking up and hopefully we will take part of this yearly metalfest gig.Nuff said.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My other blogsite

hello nothingness...

Just wanna let you know that I've just recently added a blogsite dedicated to my softer, more intimate side, the poetic side that is but its not really limited to poetry altogether. Maybe some short story or vignette thrown in if I have the material or some artistic photo shots that I have done and stuff or anything art related so to speak. So, prepare to get bored (or better blown) away. Having this site updated is hard enough, now I'm putting up with this other one, sort of like adding insult to injury, haha. Well, as much as I can handle and take. I just want to make a home for my artistic works and maybe somehow connect to an audience (yah, right!). This blogsite is a mixed bag and kinda like a journal of my boring existence, thus the blogsite name, Chummy’s Beans, beans being my life events and thoughts on something. So, I’ve decided to make another one to represent my artistic side. Hope I made the right decision. Regarding copyright to all the things that will posted into that site, well, I don’t mind if someone uses it for something as long as one would ask permission from me via email and make a deal or two.

Heres the link to my additional blogsite…. …check it out, alright.

The title is partly inspired from a Napalm Death album “From Enslavement to Obliteration”. A kick-ass album, mind you.

I haven't really written anything new so mostly I'll be posting early works that I can manage to encode and dig up in my box (my box filer, not my head, unfortunately). Maybe something interesting here and there. Hope you enjoy it. Comments are really appreciated and welcomed.

And yes, I've been busy of late. Its our Annual Report making at the office, keeps me tied up and shit. Meaning fewer post than already is.