Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Holy Week Vacation

(overcast afternoon shot of a dismal Leyte coast on Black Saturday)

Hello nothingness...

I know this post is kinda delayed and yes, as usual, I got busy this past weeks with work and all. But I'm gonna post it anyway.

As holy weeks go, for some devout few, it is a time of self reflection and retrospecting all things Catholic and for the majority (in my own presumption, of course) it is a time for rest and relaxation, and I admit that I fall within the majority. Me and the family went to Leyte and spend holy week there. Just lazying around Good Friday and going to the nearby unassuming beach on Black Saturday and Easter Sunday. Just bonding with the family. That's the holiest I get these days.


Skylle said...

nice pic!

Chummy said...

tnx... it was much clearer than the one the camera took...but it surely somehow reflected Black Saturday in a way...